Build a Better Sales Pitch Deck 

Build A Better Sales Pitch Deck

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Every entrepreneur’s sales pitch deck is their life line to making money.

What is a Sales Pitch?

In business, sales pitches are often used to convince prospects that your product or service is the best thing they’ve ever seen. But what exactly is a sales pitch? A sales pitch is a formal presentation of your business’s case for buying your product or services. It can be made through phone, email, text, video, or in person. This presentation, or pitch, should make it easy for the potential buyer to see how your product or service solves their problem.

If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur who’s looking to pitch your idea or product to investors, you probably know that it can be challenging to get people on board. But a well-designed sales pitch deck can help you make that pitch more effective.

Building Sales Pitch Deck

Sales pitch decks are like the script for a movie. They allow potential clients to see what your business or startup looks like, and they let them see how you will present your idea to them.

They also provide the opportunity to answer any questions that they have about your business or your pitch. And once people see how great your pitch is, it can help you gain more traction with investors, potential clients, and even your own employees.

So you’ve got the basic stuff down. You know who you are, what your product does, why it’s unique, and what you do differently. Now you want to turn that into a killer deck that gets you speaking, selling, and closing.

But before you put together your pitch, you’ll need to know what makes a good sales pitch deck. Here are some tips and tricks to help you design the perfect one.

Analyze Your Audience

If you’re planning on pitching your business to potential investors, there are certain things you’ll need to consider. For example, if you’re pitching your startup to investors who already invested in another company that you have an existing relationship with, you may not want to be too transparent about your past struggles.

If you’re pitching to people who don’t know anything about your business or what you do, it’s okay to tell them what you do in a little bit of detail. You’ll also want to consider their level of experience, as well as their knowledge of investing.

You can never have enough data about the person you’re trying to reach. So use all the social media profiles of your target market to gather information about them. Make note of their likes and dislikes, what type of content they respond best to, and who their influencers are. This will help you make your sales pitch more relevant and appealing to them.

Know Your Message

Once you know your audience, you can start creating your sales pitch. And when you do, you’ll want to make sure that you have a clear message that makes sense.

Your message should be short and concise, but it should also be memorable. And your message should answer the questions that potential investors and customers might ask about your startup or business.

Get the Details Right

Once you know your message, it’s time to get the details right. You’ll need to consider things like what information you’ll need to include in your pitch, what images or graphics you’ll need to use, how you will introduce yourself, and whether you should share any personal details about yourself.

And while it may be tempting to include some personal details about yourself, be careful about including too much information.

Focus on Your Key Audience

If you’re going to sell your idea to investors, you’ll want to focus on a few different people. But if you’re pitching to potential clients, you’ll want to focus on one or two specific individuals who can help you achieve your goal.

The way that you can do that is by using the “Buyer Personas” that you create. A buyer persona is a representation of a person that represents the characteristics of one person in your target market.

They let you know what they care about and what they want to see from you. And once you create a few different buyer personas for your business, you can start to think about how you can cater your pitch to each of them.

Use Visuals in your Sales Pitch Deck to Tell Your Story

When you’re creating a sales pitch deck, it’s not enough to just tell a story. 

In a typical sales pitch, a company would show its product off in some visual form. A good example of this is Apple, which always uses a few images to illustrate their products. In the same way, a visual can be used to highlight a product’s benefits.

In the case of a software product, the pitch may be the first few seconds of the video. The video must communicate the benefits of the product in one or two sentences and then show the user how to use the product. If a person is listening to the video, they should see the problem being addressed visually. The person will see the product in action and be able to feel the benefit.

Practice and Test Your Sales Pitch Deck

How do you know if your sales pitch deck is good enough to start with? It’s simple. If you can give a presentation with a well-thought-out and well-developed sales pitch deck, then you’re on the right track. A good sales pitch deck should be easy to understand, have a compelling call to action, and offer the buyer something of value. It should also be easily customized and able to be used over and over again. 

With a well-written deck, you have a better chance of getting to your number one goal—selling the product — which is what it’s really all about. You can also build a deck that includes the points you want to make and how you want to persuade the prospect.

As you build your deck(here are some examples), you have to keep in mind your objective. You have to decide what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. If you are trying to sell, your objective may be to sell the product. If you are trying to help someone solve a problem, your objective may be to help them find the solution. It’s important to decide what your objective is before you build your deck. You need to make sure that you build a deck that has enough content to get your objective accomplished. You can use bullet points, charts, graphics, videos, images, etc. The point is that you need to use all of the tools available to you to make a successful deck.

Things to note when creating a sales pitch deck:

1. Make sure your deck stands on its own.

2. Keep it simple with fewer slides.

3. Make it personal (for your audience) — don’t just talk about yourself.

4. Be creative with your content and visuals.

5. Include a call to action.


I have always believed that a sales pitch deck is one of the most undervalued tools out there for a business owner. However, there are many ways to build an amazing sales pitch deck that are often overlooked by small businesses.

You can either use templates or go it alone and customize each section to your brand. It really depends on what you want your audience to think about when they see your product. I recommend using this article as a starting point if you’re looking for ways to create a sales pitch deck that will sell your product.

Another way is to get a coach to look at your sales pitch deck and tell you where you’ve gone wrong or where you can improve. 

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Picture of Hanafi Mohd Sam

Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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